Design Inspiration: Black Panther Planetary Warrior

Design Inspiration: Black Panther Space War

Take a behind the scenes look at how MARVEL Super War artists created new skin Black Panther Space War Planetary Warrior.


To adapt to space battles, Black Panther dons a newly designed mask. His armor also gets a full upgrade! Check out how Black Panther retains his combat powers in space! And please take a guess who is next to join Space War.

Design Inspiration: Black Panther Space War

Design Inspiration: Black Panther Space War
Design Inspiration: Black Panther Space War


Another Super Hero leaps into the Space War series, Black Panther! He sides with Captain America, but still holds suspiscion towards peace negotiations. He has his mind set on protecting the Earth from the Shi'ar invasion at all costs. Check out this video and get a preview for the effects of his new battle suit! And enjoy a 30% off discount for the skin if you purchase during January 16th - February 5th, 2020.

Black Panther Space War Overview

Black Panther Space War Passive

Black Panther Space War Passive

Black Panther Space War Ability 1

Black Panther Space War Ability 2

Black Panther Space War Ability 3

Black Panther Space War Ability 4

Black Panther Space War Ability 4
